Dr Nisha's asthetic skin clinic jbp mp
Address - katanga tiraha rabra complex 2nd floor narmada road jabalpur mp
Mo. 8234903629,0761-4920751
Mo. 8234903629,0761-4920751
About Dr. Sumit Shrivastava
Dr Sumit Shrivastava running panchakarm center Jabalpur Ayurved chikitsalaya since 2013 in jabalpur he has completed his graduation from Gov Ayurved college jabalpur in 2009 then he went kerla to get proper panchkarma treatment and got the CCO certificate from renowned vaidya Dr. L mahadevan then he went to nashik to get intensive training of ayurved treatment then he worked for jiva ayurved and patanjali ayurved after that he started panchkarma center in his city Jabalpur to serve the people of the city. He has earned many awards for excellent work in Ayurved treatment of various diseases like joint pain, migraine , kidney diseases , hair fall and other complicated ailments
80% Nutrition 20% Exercise
• मोटापा घटाइये, वजन बढ़ाइये पूछिए कैसे
खाते पीते वजन घटाइये
10 दिन में रिजल्ट पाइये
मेहनत आपकी, जिम्मेदारी हमारी.